Is summer the time to play? Yes, but not only! This time last year, we were extolling the virtues of the summer season for shining under the media sunshine. Today, we'd like to talk to you about making better use of your vacation time. For the Catapulte team, summer is also a time for planning the future with our customers.
Planning for the future, or, let's be honest, catching up on major projects that have been deliberately put on the back burner during the busier periods of the year, whether out of a concern for prioritizing emergencies or a desire to spare the organization's resources.
The waltz of absence messages, from June to August, is the ideal opportunity to entrust collaborators with projects of strategic value, which it's wise not to rush through, between a multitude of fast-moving files and the many events on your calendar. The welcome slowness of summer sets the scene for the deep reflection and new directions that such projects entail.
These include the development of a communications plan, a public or government relations strategy, the planning of a social acceptability process, the development of a website, and the creation of a new brand image.
Launched at the wrong time, these projects struggle to keep pace with managers' overloaded agendas and employees' tight deadlines. That's why it's a good idea to consider the summer months when launching such time-consuming projects.
Of course, it's not enough to simply declare your intentions for these projects to come to fruition in time for the start of the new school year. Arriving well-prepared at the turn of the summer is essential if everyone is to be autonomous in their tasks, and if coherence is to permeate the entire project, from start to finish.
Needs assessment, strategic planning, involvement of your team members: if this helps you to unwind while you're on vacation, don't hesitate to ask us to take over projects that don't require jet lag.