
Social acceptability

Social acceptability is not a new concept, but it is an increasingly popular one. It consists of ensuring that a project is favourably received in a neighbourhood, a city or a region.
Concretely, how can we articulate a good social acceptability approach?
The Catapulte communication team can provide you with tools and support in a process to be accomplished with the host community of your project. To do this, you can count on our many areas of expertise for a successful strategy:

Early planning
The earlier you start your social acceptability process, the greater your chances of success. Our team will accompany you through the entire planning and ideation process, from day one.
Media Relations
Organizing a social acceptability process is a lot of work, and the media's attention can be focused on you. Thanks to our experience in media relations, we can offer you the necessary support in managing this aspect.
Public Consultations
Conducting public consultations is a must these days. Whether it's through surveys, focus groups or hearings, our creative approaches will help you hear from the population.
Writing, website creation and graphic design
Consulting people also means communicating and ensuring you have the tools to communicate properly. Our experienced team in writing and graphic design can provide you with the adequate material to help you in your endeavours. Moreover, we are able to create web portals that allow you to consult more people, more quickly.

Québec City






